Ever wonder about open houses? Well, open houses help you explore houses that are on sale. This is a very common practice in the real estate industry. However, it may not be common even for people visiting an open house for the first time. Thus, we have curated this helpful guide on open house equity. Here, we offer tips to transform open house visits from passive browsing to active intel-gathering missions. But first, let’s establish a solid foundation. Open house etiquette in Canada is all about being respectful and professional. It involves introducing yourself to the agent, following house rules, and being upfront about your intentions. 

Do You Need an Appointment To Visit Open Houses?

Open houses are accessible to everyone interested in exploring a property that’s currently on the market. They offer a unique opportunity for prospective buyers, curious neighbours, design enthusiasts, and even real estate agents to step inside and get a first hand look at a home. It’s a chance to experience a home’s layout, ambience, and potential beyond what photos and descriptions can convey online.

Do’s of Open House Etiquette in Canada

Do’s of Open House Etiquette in Canada

Here are the essential open house etiquette in Canada for agents and buyers that should be followed:

Introduce Yourself

Upon arrival, greet the hosting agent and provide your name. Many agents will ask you to sign in, which helps them follow up with you and ensures security for the seller.

Respect House Rules

Each home may have specific guidelines, such as removing shoes, or refraining from taking photos. Adhering to these rules shows respect for the property and current owners.

Be Transparent

Let the agent know your intentions. Whether you’re actively looking to buy, gathering design ideas, or exploring the market out of curiosity, honesty helps agents assist you better and focus on potential buyers.

Respect Privacy

While exploring the home, stick to open areas accessible to visitors. Avoid opening closed doors, cabinets, or drawers unless invited. This ensures you respect the seller’s privacy and property.

Take Detailed Notes

Bring a notepad to jot down features you like, questions you have, or any concerns. This helps you remember key details later when comparing different homes you’ve visited.

Ask Pertinent Questions

Ask the agent about the home’s history, recent renovations, neighbourhood amenities, or any potential challenges. Agents are there to provide information and insights.

Explore the Neighbourhood

Take a stroll around the neighbourhood to get a feel for the surroundings. Consider proximity to schools, parks, shopping areas, and commute routes—it all adds context to your potential future home.

Plan Your Next Steps

If the home piques your interest, inquire about scheduling a private showing. This allows you to delve deeper into aspects that matter most to you beyond what’s showcased during the open house.

Don’ts of Open House Etiquette in Canada

Don’ts of Open House Etiquette in Canada

Here’s a detailed list of “major don’ts” to keep in mind when attending an open house:

Avoid Broadcasting Opinions

Refrain from making loud or negative comments about the home during the visit. Everyone has different tastes, and your remarks could negatively influence others.

Keep Your Interest Close

Avoid revealing too much excitement or eagerness if you’re genuinely interested in a property. This can affect negotiations if the seller’s agent overhears and might think you’re willing to pay more.

Monitor Children

While it’s understandable to bring kids, ensure they remain supervised. Children can unintentionally damage property or disturb other visitors, potentially distracting from your visit.

Don’t Overstay

Respect the time frame of the open house. Extended stays may inconvenience others or give the impression of indecisiveness. Use the opportunity to gather information and schedule a private showing if needed.

Refrain from Intruding

Respect the privacy of the current owners by refraining from opening closed doors, cabinets, or closets unless explicitly invited to do so by the agent.

Avoid Distractions

While smartphones can be handy for taking notes, avoid prolonged use for personal calls or unrelated browsing. Stay focused on evaluating the property and engaging with the hosting agent.

Don’t Negotiate Directly

Open houses are not the time or place for negotiating terms or prices. If you’re serious about the property, discuss any offers or terms through your own real estate agent to maintain professionalism and clarity.

Respect Other Attendees

Be mindful of other visitors’ space and time during the open house. Avoid monopolising the agent’s attention if you’re not seriously considering the property.

Open House Etiquette in Canada – Bonus Section

Open House Etiquette - Bonus Section in Canada

When attending an open house, respecting the property and ensuring a pleasant experience for all is essential. Here are some additional open-house etiquette tips to keep in mind:

    • Take care of Children and Pets: If pets or children accompany you, ensure they are well-behaved and under control. Be mindful of others who may have allergies or sensitivities.
    • Follow Parking Guidelines: Park in designated areas or follow the host’s instructions to avoid blocking driveways or inconveniencing neighbours.
    • Dispose of Trash Properly: If provided with booties or refreshments, dispose of them in designated bins rather than leaving them inside the property.
    • Arrive Promptly: Be punctual within the specified open house hours. This ensures you have sufficient time to view the property without feeling rushed.
    • Respond to Follow-Ups: If you provide your contact information at the open house, respond promptly to any follow-up communications from the hosting agent, even if you’re no longer interested in the property.
    • Provide Constructive Feedback: If you have feedback or comments about the property, share them respectfully with the hosting agent. Your insights can be valuable for the seller and future potential buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to dress for an open house?

Dress nicely in comfortable, casual clothes like you're going to a nice event. Avoid too casual or too fancy outfits.

How to greet people at an open house?

Smile, say hello, and introduce yourself politely. Offer a handshake if it feels appropriate.

How to make a good impression at an open house?

Be friendly, ask questions about the home, and respect the property and others attending.

What is the best time for an open house?

Usually, late morning to early afternoon is best. It's a time when many people are free to visit.

Is Saturday or Sunday best for an open house?

Sunday is often better because more people are available and relaxed, making it easier for them to attend.