Just like several other occasions to remember Jesus Christ, Palm Sunday 2024 is also one of the holiest days celebrated in many countries around the world. Canada is one of the countries that celebrates this festival in the name of Jesus by remembering his sacrifices for the sake of people. Let’s go over the meaning of Palm Sunday in Canada in detail, as well as Palm Sunday activities and traditions.

Palm Sunday – What is it?

The day that Jesus entered Jerusalem and was welcomed by his followers is commemorated on Palm Sunday. It occurs on the Sunday before Easter and marks the start of the penultimate week of Lent, as given in each of the four gospels. Attending a church service or engaging in other customs to mark the holy day are both acceptable ways to observe Palm Sunday in Canada. The day that Jesus entered Jerusalem and was welcomed by his followers is commemorated on Palm Sunday. It occurs on the Sunday before Easter and marks the start of the penultimate week of Lent. Attending a church service or engaging in other customs to mark the holy day are both acceptable ways to observe Palm Sunday.

‘May we continuously remember Palm Sunday’s value and importance for our lives today as we start this Holy Week. That crucial historical day when Jesus started His trip to the cross. But, it’s possible that the true significance of Easter will be overlooked, even unintentionally, in the middle of hectic lives, immediately following Spring Break, or in all of the forthcoming ideas about Easter. Every detail of this narrative is filled with such amazing truths from His Word. Truths that remind us of Christ’s kingship alone and draw us closer to Him.’

History of Palm Sunday Celebration and Church History

Around the middle of the third century, Palm Sunday celebrations were first observed in the Jerusalem Church. When people passed by the city’s various holy sites, observances included hymns, prayers, and Bible readings. The ministry would recite the biblical story about Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem at the last location, the scene of Jesus’ ascent into heaven. Then, when dusk came, the people would return to the city declaring: ‘Happy is He that comes in the name of the Lord’ (Matthew 21:9).

The ceremonial blessing of the palms was added in the sixth and seventh centuries, which saw the continuation of this custom. By the seventh century, the Western Church was celebrating what is now known as ‘Palm Sunday,’ and the nocturnal procession had been replaced with a morning one.

How is Palm Sunday Celebrated in Canada?

In Canada, there is no official holiday on Palm Sunday. But it takes place on a Sunday, which is a day off from work and school for many Canadians. People celebrate this day 

    • Palm branches are blessed and distributed during Palm Sunday services in various churches as a reminder of the branches that were laid in front of Christ when he entered Jerusalem.
    • People in Canada thank God on Palm Sunday for bringing his son to earth, for the atonement Jesus made for people’s sins, and for giving them eternal life through faith in him.
    • Although palms were historically used to symbolize a ‘high-ranking’ or royal person, some churches also use the parade to recognize significant individuals in the parish, such as good Samaritans and visiting pastors.
    • Children are included by churches and receive blessings, have children’s hymns and songs, or attend special Sunday school classes.
    • Several members of the Catholic faith and other Christian religions spend a lot of time studying the events leading up to Jesus Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection.

Palm Sunday Activities

Aside from church gatherings and food, there are some specific activities that are performed, particularly on Palm Sunday, which include the points listed below:

    • Processions and the distribution of holy palm leaves are common parts of the celebration of Palm Sunday. 
    • Some churches save their palms and burn them to ashes so they can be used the following year on Ash Wednesday. 
    • Some Christians make crosses out of the palm fronds and display them in their homes.

Few Famous Palm Sunday Quotations

Below jotted down are some popular quotes about Palm Sunday: 

    • ‘Palm Sunday is like a glimpse of Easter. It’s a little bit joyful after being so somber during Lent.’
      • This quote is written by Laura Gale.
    • ‘Lord, we lift up your name. With hearts full of praise, be exalted, O Lord, my God! Hosanna is the highest!’
      • This quote is written by Carl Tuttle.
    • ‘Alleluia, how the people cheer, and palm leaves rustle as the king draws near.’
      • This quote is written by John Beavis.

In addition to these, there are also some anonymously written quotes about Palm Sunday:

    • ‘Have a blessed Palm Sunday. Remember, a week before he was crucified like a criminal, he rode into the city like a king.’
    • ‘Palm Sunday’s thought: life is full of ups and downs. Glorify God during the ups and fully trust in Him during the downs.’

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What are the traditional foods of Palm Sunday?

Pax cakes, fried salt cod, licorice water, breadcrumbs and nuts, and Italian pasta with sugo are some of the popular foods associated with Palm Sunday.

Can you eat meat on Palm Sunday?

Yes, you are allowed to eat meat on Palm Sunday.

What is the dress code for Palm Sunday?

Purple and red are some appropriate colors for Palm Sunday, but in some places people also use black on this day.

Why do people wear red or purple on Palm Sunday?

Usually people wear red as it is a holy color and a symbol of blood and passion. Also, people wear red in honor of their devotion to the Pope and the Church.

What food is not allowed in holy week?

It is not allowed to eat chicken, lamb, ham, deer, pork, and other meats in the holy weeks.