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Neighborhood Overview

Broughton, Hamilton

Broughton Neighbourhood Overview

Broughton is a small neighbourhood located in the southern part of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. This neighbourhood provides the residents with seamless connectivity to other neighbourhoods and major cities of Canada. Various educational facilities and healthcare centres are available in the neighbourhood to cater to the residents' needs. When it comes to shopping opportunities, Broughton offers shopping centres located in/near the area. For travellers, Broughton offers great connectivity to Hamilton International Airport, which is easily accessible by car. Broughton reflects a rich nature in culinary delights by offering a variety of cuisine options. Tourists frequently visit the place as the area is located near some popular landmarks such as Gaga Park and Bayfront Park.

Buildings in Broughton

1675 Upper Gage Ave

1675 Upper Gage Ave

Broughton, Hamilton
  • 1 For Sale
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Livability and Lifestyle of Broughton

The livability score of Broughton is rated 79/100. The neighbourhood offers the entire nation various attractive residential and commercial real estate properties. Some other key factors of livability in the neighbour are:
Livability 79
Amenities D-
Commute A+
Cost Of Living B-
Crime A+
Employment A+
Housing A+
Health A-
Schools D+

People and Culture of Broughton

The population density of Broughton is 134% higher than that of Hamilton, making the neighbourhood a decently populated area. The welcoming nature of Broughton is no stranger to the world, as immigrants from different parts of the globe reside here. Most of the immigrant-occupied population in the neighbourhood consists of Arab and Black people. Most of the population in the neighbourhood speaks English. There is no number associated with the French-speaking people. Here are some statistics that offer a detailed insight into the immigrants in the neighbourhood:
Data Percentage
Arab 13.90%
Black 10.60%
South Asian 7.20%
West Asian 6.40%
Multiple Visible Minorities 6.00%
Below is the insight for spoken language in Broughton:
Statistic Broughton Hamilton
English 91.90% 92.30%
French 0.00% 0.10%
The following is the detailed analysis of employment in Broughton:
Index Broughton Hamilton
Median household Income $98,154 $103,220
Unemployment rate 2% 4%
In labour force 55% 52%

Broughton Neighbourhood Nearby

Some of the popular neighbourhoods near Broughton are mentioned below:
  • Strathcona
  • Stoney Creek
  • Randall
  • Waterdown
  • St. Clair
  • Sheldon
  • Stoney Creek Mountain
  • Mountain View
  • Mount. Hope
  • Ancaster

Broughton Schools

Some of the popular educational institutions in Broughton are:
  • Ray Lewis ES
  • ES George-P-Vanier
  • EE Pavillon de la jeunesse
  • Nora Frances Henderson SS
  • St John Paul II Catholic ES
  • St Jean de Brébeuf Catholic ES
  • ÉÉC Monseigneur-de-Laval
  • Bishop Ryan Catholic High School
  • ESAC Mere-Teresa

Broughton Shopping Centres

Below are some popular shopping centres in/near Broughton:
  • CF Lime Ridge
  • Upper James Square
  • Fennell Plaza
  • Rymal Retail Centre
  • Summit Park Centre

Top Attractions & Places to Visit in Broughton

Some of the top attractions and places to visit in Broughton include:

Gage Park

Settled in Brampton, Ontario, the Gage Park is a plant-safe urban park highlighting a variety of themed gardens. This park was first created in 1903 after Sir William J.  Gage donated  1.7 acres of land to the town. Each nursery addresses an unmistakable culture or verifiable period, offering guests a wonderful walk around different scenes. From the skating trails to the veterans' monument, the site gives a charming mix of regular magnificence and social environment.

Bayfront Park

This beautiful green space is located on the west side of Hamilton Harbour. Bayfront Park is spread over 16 hectares or 40 acres of land. The park is well-known for hosting various concerts and summer festivals. This park also offers a sandy beach with a trail,  which is 6-metre wide, that circles the park. Bayfront Park was formed after spending over $9 million. At first, there was a vacant land that was then converted into an attractive green space named Bayfront Park.

Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum

This is an aviation museum founded by Dennis Bradley, Alan Ness, Peter Matthews and John Weir. The museum is located at the John C. Munro Hamilton International Airport.  With the collection of  47 propeller-driven aeroplanes and military jets, this museum attracts numerous visitors to the site. Some popular aircraft collections in the museum include the Auster AOP.6 16681, Beechcraft D18S A-0156, Canadair CF-104 Starfighter 12790, and more.

Art Gallery of Hamilton

This is an art museum spread over 75,000 sq ft in Hamilton, Ontario. This museum was first developed as a municipal gallery in 1914. Tobi  Bruce is the current director of the museum and Shelly Falconer is the current president. Architectural credit for the design of the museum goes  to Trevor Garwood-Jones. However, it was Bruce Kuwabara who did the renovation. The art collection of the museum contains the work of different artists of Canada in the number of over  1000+. This place is responsible for attracting different tourists to the area and providing seamless connectivity to Broughton.

Things to Do in Broughton

Broughton is a friendly and cheerful neighbourhood that welcomes visitors from all over the world. Tourists and residents often enjoy various activities and social gatherings in this neighbourhood. Here are some interesting things to do in the social landscape of Broughton.

Sporting Events

Residents and visitors can enjoy various sporting events in sports arenas and stadiums nearby. Bill  Friday Lawfield Arena and First Ontario Centre are two prominent sports centres located near Broughton. These places are popular for hosting football games and ice hockey, respectively. These structures are not limited to sports, as multiple music shows and cultural events find a stage in these arenas.


No individual is a stranger to the world of theatrical arts. People often like to spend some of their time in the evening at a theatrical show. This provides the residents with the opportunity to take a break from their regular schedule to get a relaxed experience. Theatre Aquarius is a popular theatre near Broughton. Visitors and residents can access the theatre facilities and shows to make their evenings memorable.

Distance and Commute from Popular Locations

Broughton is strategically located at a connective place, offering seamless transit options to residents and visitors alike. Some of the popular locations with the travel time and distance are mentioned below:
  • Canadian Warplane Heritage is a popular museum located roughly 10 km away from the location. One can reach the place in approximately 13 minutes via car.
  • Dundurn Castle is located roughly 14.9 km away from the location and takes nearly 20 minutes to reach the destination.
  • Bayfront Park is nearly 12 km away and requires a drive of approximately 22 minutes to reach the place.
  • Theatre Aquarius is a popular entertainment spot for Canadians, situated roughly 10 km away from Broughton and takes nearly 15 minutes to reach.
  • John C. Munro is the closest airport to the neighbourhood and is located 11 km away from the location. It usually requires a drive of 14 min to reach the place.
  • Bill Friday Lawfield Arena is 3.8 km away from the location, and it takes 6 minutes to reach it.



Demographics of Broughton

Below are demographic insights of Broughton for a better understanding of the neighbourhood:
Statistic Broughton Hamilton Ontario
Population 1,356 11,739 14,804,681
Population density (sq km) 1,212 518 15
Median age 35.2 40.5 40.9
Male/Female ratio 1.0:1 1.0:1 1.0:1
Married couples 69% 68% 71%
Families w/ kids at home 56.00% 44.00% 46.00%
Speak English only 91.90% 92.30% 86.10%
Speak French only 0.00% 0.10% 0.30%



Average Cost of Living in Broughton

On a scale of 100 as the national cost of living index in Canada, Broughton scores 97. This makes Broughton 14% less expensive than Ontario, which scores 111. Ontario is 11% more expensive than Canada's average living cost. Below are more detailed insights into the cost of living in Broughton:
Index Broughton West Hamilton Ontario
Cost of living 93 97 111
Goods & Services 108 108 107
Groceries 100 100 101
Health care 103 103 103
Housing 57 67 120
Transportation 107 107 104
Utilities 130 130 119

Real Estate Housing Market of Broughton

Broughton has distinctive housing options to offer to buyers. Whether these options are condos, townhouses, villas, etc., the neighbourhood has everything to offer to the people of Broughton. The average home sale prices in Broughton range from $442,000 to $659,000. However, these prices are not fixed and can change depending on the conditions of the real estate market.

Broughton - Location Map and Landmarks

  • Juravinski  and Cancer Centre, Hamilton 5.58 km
  • St. Peter's, Hamilton 6.13 km
  • St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton - West 5th campus, Hamilton 6.22 km
  • St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton - Charlton campus, Hamilton 6.72 km
  • McMaster University Medical Centre, Hamilton 7.63 km
  • Hamilton General, Hamilton 8.0 km
  • McMaster Children's, Hamilton 9.39 km
  • Joseph Brant, Halton 14.64 km


The average sale price for a home in Broughton ranges from $442 K to $659 K. You can visit for more information.

The average rental price for a home in Broughton is approximately $3,000. For more information, visit

Some popular nearby neighbourhoods in Broughton include Strathcona, Stoney Creek, Randall, Waterdown, St. Clair, Sheldon, Stoney Creek Mountain, Mountain View, Mount Hope, and Ancaster.

Broughton offers multiple housing options for sale with different price types. For further insights into the house sale price trends, visit

House selling in Broughton is in demand from the real estate market.

Broughton is among the highest-ranking neighbourhoods in Ontario.

Last Updated : 4 Days ago
16 Grayrocks Avenue W, Hamilton, ON
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103 Broughton Avenue, Hamilton, ON
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27 Grayrocks Avenue, Hamilton, ON
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1860 Upper Gage Avenue, Hamilton, ON
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134 Terni Boulevard, Hamilton, ON
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134 Terni Blvd, Hamilton, Ontario
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996 Rymal Road East Road E, Hamilton, ON
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718 Rymal Road E, Hamilton, ON
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1675 Upper Gage Avenue, Hamilton, ON
Last Updated : 12 Days ago
1675 Upper Gage Ave, Hamilton, Ontario
Last Updated : 10 Days ago
718 Rymal Rd E, Hamilton, Ontario
Last Updated : 3 Days ago
676 Rymal Road E, Hamilton, ON

Nearby Neighborhoods in Broughton

Stoney Creek, Hamilton

Stoney Creek

Strathcona, Hamilton


Waterdown, Hamilton


Randall, Hamilton


Sheldon, Hamilton


St. Clair, Hamilton

St. Clair

Mountview, Hamilton


Ancaster, Hamilton


Mount Hope, Hamilton

Mount Hope

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