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Neighborhood Overview
Livability | 87 |
Amenities | A+ |
Cost of Living | C- |
Employment | A+ |
Housing | A+ |
Schools | A- |
Crime | C+ |
Index | Hamilton |
Median household income | $103,220 |
Unemployment rate | 3.60% |
In labour force | 51.80% |
Languages | In Percentage |
English | 92.4% |
French | 0.1% |
Popular Markets in and around Bayview- Halton | Popularity in terms of Ratings (5 stars) |
Vincent Farmers' Market | 4 |
Vincent Craft Fair | 3.9 |
Vincent Vintage Market | 4.5 |
Vincent Artisan Market | 4 |
Statistics | Location |
Area Code | L8K 6L2 |
Population | 11,739 |
Population density (sq km) | 518 |
Median age | 40.5 |
Male/Female ratio | 1.0:1 |
Married couples | 68% |
Families w/ kids at home | 44% |
Speak English only | 92.30% |
Speak French only | 0.10% |
Index | Hamilton |
Cost of living | 97 |
Goods and Services | 108 |
Groceries Budget | 100 |
Health care | 103 |
Housing | 67 |
Transportation | 107 |
Utilities | 130 |
The Town Centre neighbourhood has Durand, Kirkendall, Gibson and Stoney Creek, to name a few.
In the Vincent neighbourhood of Hamilton, there are numerous property owners prepared to sell their homes, with about 24-31 homes on the market.
In Vincent, Hamilton, properties are posted for sale within a period of 7–15 days. Visit squareyards.ca for further details.
With nearby availability of office hubs, educational institutes and marketplaces, the luxurious amenities provided at Vincent neighbourhood help it engage more residents to find it their favourite stay destination in Hamilton.