Once upon a time, nestled within the serene embrace of Ainsley Woods, stood a charming 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom bungalow at 276 Bowman Street, its warm exterior blending seamlessly with the lush greenery of the Escarpment. Surrounded by manicured gardens that whispered tales of meticulous care, it beckons to both first-time buyers and seasoned investors alike. Its cozy interior welcomed guests with sunlight streaming through large windows, casting a gentle glow upon the floors that echoed with the footsteps of generations past. Situated conveniently close to McMaster University, it became a haven for scholars seeking respite from the bustling campus life, offering a retreat where dreams could take root and flourish. With each passing season, the bungalow became more than just a dwellingit evolved into a sanctuary where memories were crafted, futures were envisioned, and the timeless beauty of Ainsley Woods was embraced with every heartbeat. RSA.
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