Commercial (Sale Of Business)
Maximum 4 project can be compared at one go.
With Square Yards Canada, you can find a variety of houses for sale under $100k in l9p, providing an extensive selection across different municipalities, communities, or areas in Ontario. Filter properties by price, size, amenities, and property age to find the best l9p houses for sale under $100k. Customise your search by the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and surface area to find the perfect match. Browse our listings with HD images and detailed guides to choose from the high-end properties available. Buy houses in l9p under $100k with the best on offer across the market.
Commercial (Sale Of Business)
Commercial (Sale Of Business)
Commercial (Sale Of Business)
Residential Condo & Other (Co-Ownership Apartment)
Residential Freehold (Vacant Land)
Maximum 4 project can be compared at one go.