The Coureur des Bois travelled Lake Nipissing back when the interior of Canada was just being explored, it hasbeen a travel route for logging barges moving timber from Algonquin Park down the French River and out to theGreat Lakes, two First Nations Reserves border its shores and it’s known for its quality fishing all year round. It iscalled ''Nibiinsing'' in the Ojibwe language, meaning ''at little water''. But little it is not. lake Nipissing is the thirdlargest lake in Ontario, it is big water. I grew up on the shores of Nipissing and saw some of the most spectacularsunsets but also some naming and epic storms. Now could be your opportunity to own a small piece of theshoreline of this historic lake. If you are looking for a place to run away from the hectic lifestyle of Southern Ontario,this beautiful location in sheltered Baie Aubin near the West Arm, only 50 minutes west of North Bay, could be yourparadise away from home. Level, with a sandy beach, southern eastern exposure, and across the bay from CacheBay Conservation Reserve. Continue to use it as a summer getaway by cottaging out in the 2012 Fairfield trailerwith bump outs, amenities and a permanent deck or have it removed and plan your build of a year-round home or4-season cottage. Kick back in your Muskoka chair at the water’s edge with a cold one in hand taking in the views'sheer beauty or wade into the refreshing water in front of the sandy beach. The neighbours are wonderful and theyare looking forward to meeting you. Start planning your next Lake Nipissing vacation now. Or if a build immediatelyis in the plans, and you have no need for the Fairfield, this beautiful lot is available at a reduced offering of$199,000.