Lovely 1,400 sq ft restaurant in the busy hub of Bathurst and Wilson just off of Highway 401. Thisrestaurant is licensed for 30 inside plus a lovely patio for the summer months in front facing Bathurst.Currently operating as Lhamigz Momo, a popular Tibetan cuisine restaurant, however this space can berebranded into a different concept, cuisine, or franchise. Ideal for conversion as there is a fullkitchen with two hood systems combining for a total of 14 feet, with 1 walk-in fridge and 1 walk-infreezer and lots of prep area. Please do not go direct or speak to staff or ownership. ** EXTRAS: Lease rate of $11,946 Gross Rent including TMI with term remaining. There is a parking lot in the backthat is shared with Popeye's with room for 12 as well as street parking. Great signage and visibilityfrom Bathurst.
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