Extraordinary Elegance. Located in tranquil, yet engaging King City. Encased within a generous 4,457 sq. ft of masterfully designed luxury living space, this property has been skillfully crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Luxuriate in a stylish blend of high-end finishes, including lustrous marble, rich hardwood & distinctive granite surfaces. The expansive deck area and well-appointed interior make this reputable residence an epitome of indoor & outdoor harmony, setting the stage for grand gala events or peaceful, relaxed living. Unlock the culinary possibilities with a cutting-edge deluxe fully equipped kitchen with top-of-the-line features, 2 staircases leading to the tremendously-spacious lower level. Marvel under soaring 10 Ft +++ ceilings, indulge in the opulence of sumptuous spa-like 5-piece ensuite.
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